Classic Spin
Indoor cycling class that rides along to the music. Come and feel those hills, sprints, and enjoy the tunes!
This classical class focuses on the key concepts of strength and conditioning to help with balance, coordination, posture & strength, using Centring, Contrology and Breathing techniques.

Functional Fitness
This class focuses on everyday functional movements incorporating a range of equipment to challenge and assist you in balance, coordination, strength, flexibility & general fitness. This class comes in many formats, including circuits, HIIT, AMRAP & workshop style, to achieve the best results possible.
Outdoor Fitness
This is great fun, and always takes place outside whatever the weather!! The only way to find out more about this class is to come along and join this fantastic bunch. Suitable for everyone.
This high intensity style class uses the format of 20/10. 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest. It gets the body moving and can be delivered using bodyweight and equipment. These sessions are short but extremely effective for the afterburn.
This is our flagship high intensity interval class of Bodyweight intervals/rest, along with core training to compliment.
Body Sculpt
A complete full body workout using dumbbells and bodyweight to help tighten and tone up.
HIIT The Step
A great take on our current high intensity interval sessions, using the step box to really get you moving!
Back to back bodyweight moves performed as blocks in a HIIT style workout … look out for those ‘Power Moves!’ and get ready to feel the Burn …

A blend of the pilates method and yoga stretching to bridge the gap of both classes. Working with core stability/strength, posture, flexibility and alignment.
HIIT the Weights
Another great take on our high intensity interval classes, incorporating Dumbbells, for those of you who love to lift.
Using a range of weighted kettlebells, this full body workout is designed to deliver a cardiovascular workout whilst strengthening & sculpting.
Legs, Tums & Bums
It works exactly where it suggests!! This classic class uses a range of bodyweight, bands or weights to help tone, tighten and firm up.
Pump & Tone
A great barbell workout for anyone wanting to tone up and strengthen top to toe. Using high repetition and a range of weights, we can guarantee this will help you achieve the results you want
Bodyweight Blast
As this suggests, you use your very own bodyweight with an endurance goal in mind, covering cardio, upper, lower body and core.
CBC Spin
Using our coach by colour software, we will instruct you through your individual training intensity for a great calorie scorching working.

Step & Tone
Another classic class of old school aerobic moves to get your body moving. It combines cardiovascular training with toning exercises to give you a fun, full body workout. No coordination required!
These classes are based on physical postures, breathing techniques, mindfulness and learning how to listen to your body. Increase your flexibility, strength and body control.
Tai Chi
A Chinese martial art based class, sometimes described as meditation in motion as it promotes serenity, using gentle movements – connecting mind and body as
Traditional Chinese exercise comprising of gentle flowing movements that unify the body, breathing and mind.
Fitness Pilates
Using the pilates method as the backbone, this class also focuses on sequences of movement and mobility with higher repetitions, incorporating equipment to help strengthen and tone.
Open Spin 30/60
These are our virtual classes that run throughout the week around our instructor led classes (please access times via fitness).